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Pexster 04-26-2009 01:34 PM

When I told my mom what jrock was, she automatically disagreed with me.
Not too long ago, I made my mom sit next to me by the computer and made her listen to a couple of jrock
bands and she actually liked them. ^^" So Now I can blast the music in the car, without her being annoyed
by some bands she didn't like......atleast I know what she likes now........eh, good enough.

rison 04-26-2009 02:55 PM

Is there anywhere online I could buy these cds of artists you guys have talked about or a site to simply DL them?

keichichan 04-26-2009 05:11 PM

I had the same problem with my mother and Girugamesh. But after she listened to them, now she requests them ^.^
As for my friends they like it, it's other kids at my school. They say you can't understand the words, well for 1 if I really wanted to know I'd look for translations, and 2, you can't understand the words in rap, but you still listen to it don't you? ^.^ They usually shut up after that. :vsign:

Yuusuke 04-28-2009 01:55 PM

Well j-rock is all i listen to now.

i used to listen to a mixture of english rock ( i do still like it) but the bands that come out now or at least in america r too generic for me X_X

j-rock is different

a lot of people think i'm weird for liking it. but i've got a few into listening to it

j-rock = awesome


Miyavifan 04-28-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by rison (Post 704429)
Is there anywhere online I could buy these cds of artists you guys have talked about or a site to simply DL them?

download links aren't allowed.

I know for sure of cdjapan.

Xayun 07-14-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Watakushi (Post 80768)
I'm from sweden and when my friend, he's listening to heavy metal and stuff, found out that I was listening to j-rock he said that all japanese guys looked like girls and than he asked if i thought they were handsome -_-'' After that he started to make fun of asian people and their music. So I forced him to listen to a song by Gackt and he said he acually liked it. >_________<

That's the problem with people nowadays... They're always so closed minded about things, especially music, and in actuality, they turn out liking whatever it is they put down. I run into a lot of people who put down J-Rock because it's not like the music around here or what they consider 'normal'. A lot of my friend's are that way, too. I suggest a song or band to them and the first thing they say upon looking at or hearing the name is: "Are they Japanese...?"

Then, they just continue to put it down from there. They also go at the style, too. They say things like: "What are they a bunch of cross-dressers?" and things like that. Then, when they happen to hear something I'd be listening to on my ipod, computer, etc. they actually like it and ask me what I'm listening to like they have an interest!

Anyways, sorry for the little rant, or whatever. Lol.
I was just browsing and thought I should post something about this. :p

Yoite 07-14-2009 05:41 PM

My parents think I want to become 'japanese' when I listen to Japanese music, it annoys me. They always have been a bit thick headed when I comes to music sung in another language, so I don't listen anymore in front of them. Once they hear it's japanese they say 'ahh it's crap'. And they didn't even see what they look like lol. "Bunch of satanists" they'll say xD

EmChibi 07-14-2009 08:25 PM

I know how all this goes, then I did a project in school about J-rock and Visual Kei in video form, people liked it, I could tell they were scared at first, but then they started to get into the music, and like the style. Nobody really listens to it hardcore except a few of my friends, but I didn't expect that, you know?
Also, with J-Pop, I can find a few songs my dad would even like, and he likes classical only, and my mom likes a lot of the music ow, but both find J-Tock style scary, but I don't care what they say about the style, I loveit.

hinata2 07-14-2009 08:35 PM

yea i know my sister hates me and thinks i'm wierd cuz i like jrock

thcuteness 07-15-2009 12:41 AM

My friends and family hate when i blare japanese music in the car or in my room, but when they complain i just turn it up louder :p

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