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(#91 (permalink))
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sorry - 07-13-2008, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Hellkite View Post
i have a question to you, loveskyliemole. which is the best program for writing in kanji at my pc. it should be for free and good. could you tell me one? I have been looking for one, but never found one. And another question too. Romaji. Is it very wrong, if i write konnichi wa like this or konnichi ha like this. Is this a real mistake, or not?
Sorry, but I don't know. Since my computer is a Japanese one, so I don't need those stuff.Sorry but I believe that there are many people in the different threads can be helpful for you, Hellkite.

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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07-13-2008, 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Sorry, but I don't know. Since my computer is a Japanese one, so I don't need those stuff.Sorry but I believe that there are many people in the different threads can be helpful for you, Hellkite.
Ok, and what about the romaji thing i asked you?

Japan, I come next year!! wohooo!!
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(#93 (permalink))
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Thank you! - 07-13-2008, 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Apologies. What I meant was "when people who are not as polite make posts or threads, their impoliteness is obvious, so the moderators can easily and quickly remove them."
Thank you!
I understand 100% now.

It is, and it was not my intention. Even so, I must apologize if my words were taken in that way.
NO NO NO, You didn't make me misunderstood, at all.
I understood, and that was MY silly joke.

I personally do not, and believe those that do are uninformed and are in need of correction.
You are right!
I think those kind of people have to "see" it.
I really want more people to come and take a look of a real Japan and also
I really want more Japanese to go outside to take a good look of the foreign country, not only taking a lot of pictures at the famous places and shopping at tax free shops, but meeting and talking with the local people.

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#94 (permalink))
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07-13-2008, 12:50 PM

NO NO NO, You didn't make me misunderstood, at all.
I understood, and that was MY silly joke.
*chuckles* I understand now. Comedy sometimes doesn't transfer well to the typed word. Believe me, I know

You are right!
I think those kind of people have to "see" it.
I really want more people to come and take a look of a real Japan and also
I really want more Japanese to go outside to take a good look of the foreign country, not only taking a lot of pictures at the famous places and shopping at tax free shops, but meeting and talking with the local people.
*nods* A complete picture, a very well-rounded way to acquire knowledge.

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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(#95 (permalink))
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よかったです - 07-13-2008, 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
*chuckles* I understand now. Comedy sometimes doesn't transfer well to the typed word. Believe me, I know
Yes,you are totally right!

I often think making people understand what I really think/feel in word is very difficult, even face to face!
I mean even when I say things in Japanese to Japanese natives.
"word" isn't almighty.

*nods* A complete picture, a very well-rounded way to acquire knowledge.
I love that rounded way

By the way,

You made me laugh again.
Your picture next to you JF-name....


I love it.

I think I should take my picture and put it on next to my JF-name
and say "roar"

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#96 (permalink))
StripMahjong (Offline)
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07-13-2008, 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
What you give is what you return in the end!
It would be clearer to say "What you give is what you get back in the end", or "What you give is what you get in the end."

ちなみに 「外人」「ガイジン」ということばは 「差 別的」であるということで
「外・人」 つまり "outsider" とか person who is not in the group(out of the group)...というかんじです。
あ、知りませんでした。 「外人」の代わりに、何のほ うがいいですか?  「外国人」?

Japanese people occasionally go out to drink with their co-workers (including the boss(es)) after finishing work.
If you are good friends with them, it's good, but if you are not really...then
this kind of drinking party might make you fee like you are "working".
Sometimes it's very hard to say "NO" to this party. If you say "No",there is always a person or 2 that says "つきあいがわるい人だね~" or something.
そうですか。 もし、パーティに行って、お酒を飲まな いなら、まだ人は「つきあいがわるい」と言いますか?

いつか日本で英語が教えたいだから、本当に知りたいで す。 

I am basically a happy person, so I am friendly and cheerful without alcohol and I say what I really think....
but there ARE people who CAN'T be like that and instead just be serious all the time.
So they really NEED おさけ to be honest and talk what they really want to say.
そのひとは「おさけ」より、「自信」のほうが要ると思 います。 

The other day my 外国人 friend say that
"Japanese people should drink all the time"
あれ? まゆみ先生の友達は日本人がいつもまじめだと 思いますから?

僕はそう思いません。 まじめより、日本人はよく丁寧 だと思います。 それは悪いことじゃありません。

I told him about this forum thing, but he probably won't come here.
He thinks reading English is めんどうくさい!
He is a guy who is not good at talking over the phone,writing letters...you know?
Well, if he ever changes his mind, it would be great to have him join the conversation here. He is always welcome!

この書き込みは短くてごめんなさい。 今週末は忙しい !

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(#97 (permalink))
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07-14-2008, 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by StripMahjong View Post
It would be clearer to say "What you give is what you get back in the end", or "What you give is what you get in the end."
Oops, I was meant to say "What you give is what you get returned"
Is this OK?

あ、知りませんでした。 「外人」の代わりに、何のほ うがいいですか?  「外国人」?
そうですね、人によって 考えが違うと思いますが、

「外国の方」(polite) という言い方もします。

でも、個人的には 必要でなければ 外国人 という言 葉を使わずに

My friend from XXXX(country) という言い方をします。


そうですか。 もし、パーティに行って、お酒を飲まな いなら、まだ人は「つきあいがわるい」と言いますか?
いつか日本で英語が教えたいだから、本当に知りたいで す。 

日本人の中には お互い お酒をつぐ ことを 大事に 考える人たちがいます。

なので お酒をつがれたら、それを飲まないと、

「おれのついだ酒がのめないっていうのかぁぁ~」と  酔っ払ったおじさん等は


ですから、お酒をつがれないように、いつもグラスはジ ュースなどで


反対に お酒をついであげると喜ばれますよ。

日本の男性の中には 女性が男性のお酒をつぐことが当 たり前だと思っている人が
たまにいるので、そういう人が近くにいるときは 私は 知らないふりをしてつぎません!

そのひとは「おさけ」より、「自信」のほうが要ると思 います。 
日本人の中には 「遠慮」しすぎて 本音が言えない人 が結構います。
しかしお酒が入ると それが言えるようになるのです。

あれ? まゆみ先生の友達は日本人がいつもまじめだと 思いますから?

僕はそう思いません。 まじめより、日本人はよく丁寧 だと思います。 それは悪いことじゃありません。
日本人はお酒が入ると、遠慮せずに 本音を言う事が多 いです。
なので、私の友達は 日本人にもっと本音を言ってほし いという意味で

Sorry, maybe how I told the story wasn't proper.

Well, if he ever changes his mind, it would be great to have him join the conversation here. He is always welcome!
I will tell him so.

この書き込みは短くてごめんなさい。 今週末は忙しい !
That's OK!
I have been very busy too, but I came here for a break.


kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#98 (permalink))
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07-16-2008, 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
Oops, what I meant to say was "What you give is what you get returned"
Is this OK?
It makes sense, but still sounds strange. The two examples I gave before are probably the best options to say what you wanted to say in English. I'm not sure if there is a good way to use the word "return(ed)" in this sentence.

そうですね、人によって 考えが違うと思いますが、

「外国の方」(polite) という言い方もします。

でも、個人的には 必要でなければ 外国人 という言 葉を使わずに

My friend from XXXX(country) という言い方をします。



日本人の中には お互い お酒をつぐ ことを 大事に 考える人たちがいます。

なので お酒をつがれたら、それを飲まないと、

「おれのついだ酒がのめないっていうのかぁぁ~」と  酔っ払ったおじさん等は

そんなに大事なことだと知りませんでした。 アメリカ で、「僕はお酒を飲みません」と言ったら、ほとんどの 人はかまいません。 飲まない人は後運転できますから 。 日本でたくさんバスとか、電車とかありますから分 からないかもしれませんけれど、アメリカでは車は必要 です。 バスと電車はあんまりありません。 皆は酔っ 払ったら、誰も車が運転できなくて、だれも帰れません ! 

ですから、お酒をつがれないように、いつもグラスはジ ュースなどで

はは! いい考えですね。

日本の男性の中には 女性が男性のお酒をつぐことが当 たり前だと思っている人が
たまにいるので、そういう人が近くにいるときは 私は 知らないふりをしてつぎません!
そういう思っている男性はおじさんですか? それとも 、若い男性もそう思いますか?

日本人はお酒が入ると、遠慮せずに 本音を言う事が多 いです。
なので、私の友達は 日本人にもっと本音を言ってほし いという意味で

Sorry, maybe how I told the story wasn't proper.
いいえ、いいえ。 僕の勘違いでした。 すみません。

That's OK!
I have been very busy too, but I came here for a break.
Several years ago, the weekend was when I would spend the most time online chatting. Nowadays, the weekend is when I do all the work around the house, and most of my spare time is during the week after work. I guess this is all a part of growing up. I want my weekends back!

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(#99 (permalink))
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ひさしぶり~ - 07-23-2008, 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by StripMahjong View Post
It makes sense, but still sounds strange. The two examples I gave before are probably the best options to say what you wanted to say in English. I'm not sure if there is a good way to use the word "return(ed)" in this sentence.
I see.
I learned that sentence from one of the songs from the Sarvage Garden.

Maybe they meant different thing from what I wanted to say?

そんなに大事なことだと知りませんでした。 アメリカ で、「僕はお酒を飲みません」と言ったら、ほとんどの 人はかまいません。 飲まない人は後運転できますから 。 日本でたくさんバスとか、電車とかありますから分 からないかもしれませんけれど、アメリカでは車は必要 です。 バスと電車はあんまりありません。 皆は酔っ 払ったら、誰も車が運転できなくて、だれも帰れません !

そういう思っている男性はおじさんですか? それとも 、若い男性もそう思いますか?

日本も車で外食しにでかける人は多いです(とくに地方 )。
外食先のレストランなどで運転手までお酒を飲んでしま い、
帰り道に事故を起こす人も多く、近年 罰則が厳しくな りました。

ただ、「都会」の場合は 電車やバスで通勤して、

I guess it's because I am a girl, so I get really bothered
with this "How to deal with offering drinking" stuff.
Maybe you don't have to worry much because you are a guy.
(Am I right? or you are a girl too?)

Let me tell you some stories.

When I was in Yokohama which is one of the biggest cities,
not many people go to work by their cars, so
our bosses and workmates know that we all are allowed to drink.

When I said " Sorry I can't drink any more. I am weak for alchole"
to one of the guys who were about to pour some beer in my half full of glass.
He said "Don't worry, I am not going to make you too drunk! You are afraid of ending up waking up in my bed tomorrow morning huh?"

At the different party, a guy said "Are you pretending a cute&weak girl or something? You don't look like a girl who really can't drink.Hey here have more beer, it's "my beer", have it!" then he pored more beer out of his beer bottle.

Not only guys. I never forget this silly girl. She LOVES boys, you know.
She wears a short skirt which is extreamly short. Anyway, She loves drinking
and getting drunk and always starts doing really silly things on perpose.
Once one of the boys was trying to give me more sake which was a really strong one, I told him "I really can't have it, cos I will get too drunk and won't be able to go home by myself!" then this silly girl said
"What a boring girl! Why you are here then?Getting drunk and doing silly things is the reason why we all here for right, boys!?"
Well, actually she was wrong. That party was for some of our workmates who were leaving the company, so there were more than a few people thought the girl and the boys around her were too immature and saved me from having his sake.

One of the bosses (man) said to me
"Because you went to Australia, you forgot the Japanese custom? Why don't you pour my beer? You see? My glass is getting empty.A good Japanese girl always be awear what man wants and needs and serves him before he asks you".

I have more stories, but I believe that's enough right?

I was trying to be against it, trying to tell them they were not right,
but you see? They were drunk people, so I though there was no point.

That's why now I keep my glass full with whatever I can drink (lemonade,iced tea or whatever) when I feel I am in "DANGER"!
But of course I don't do such silly thing when I am with good friends.

wow it became a long story.
I hope I didn't make you yawn!

Several years ago, the weekend was when I would spend the most time online chatting. Nowadays, the weekend is when I do all the work around the house, and most of my spare time is during the week after work. I guess this is all a part of growing up. I want my weekends back!
Well, I think "not spending too much time online chatting" is much healthier.

I basically use my computer for work and also for just reguler emails to keep in touch with my friends, but since I found this forum I enjoy talking with you guys I am "getting addicted " (is the right explanation for this?)

I also receive many PMs from very nice and kind people, and I really want to reply them often, but it's nearly 2am so I have to go to bed.

I simply have not enough time. I need more time, I need 48 hours a day!

Don't worry about correcting my English this time.
I know it's too long and has got too many mistakes in it.

Oh I have to run to bed! have to get up early in the morning!


Have a good day!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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(#100 (permalink))
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07-23-2008, 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by loveskyliemole View Post
I see.
I learned that sentence from one of the songs from the Sarvage Garden.
Excellent song, just watched in on Youtube

Let me tell you some stories.
*sits down and listens closely*

When I was in Yokohama which is one of the biggest cities,
not many people go to work by their cars, so
our bosses and workmates know that we all are allowed to drink.

When I said " Sorry I can't drink any more. I am weak for alchole"
to one of the guys who were about to pour some beer in my half full of glass.
He said "Don't worry, I am not going to make you too drunk! You are afraid of ending up waking up in my bed tomorrow morning huh?"
Heh. My choice of response for that question would be "Not if I'm the only one in the bed, and you're sleeping somewhere else like a gentleman should do after helping a co-worker out in a time of need."

At the different party, a guy said "Are you pretending a cute&weak girl or something? You don't look like a girl who really can't drink.Hey here have more beer, it's "my beer", have it!" then he pored more beer out of his beer bottle.
My response: Pour the beer over his head and say "Yes, it's all you."

Not only guys. I never forget this silly girl. She LOVES boys, you know.
She wears a short skirt which is extreamly short.
Now *that* is short.

Anyway, She loves drinking and getting drunk and always starts doing really silly things on perpose. Once one of the boys was trying to give me more sake which was a really strong one, I told him "I really can't have it, cos I will get too drunk and won't be able to go home by myself!" then this silly girl said
"What a boring girl! Why you are here then?Getting drunk and doing silly things is the reason why we all here for right, boys!?"
It works for her. Personally, I would just watch her embarass herself and laugh in my head.

Well, actually she was wrong. That party was for some of our workmates who were leaving the company, so there were more than a few people thought the girl and the boys around her were too immature and saved me from having his sake.
You have some very considerate co-workers!

One of the bosses (man) said to me "Because you went to Australia, you forgot the Japanese custom? Why don't you pour my beer? You see? My glass is getting empty.A good Japanese girl always be awear what man wants and needs and serves him before he asks you".
Expecting certain behaviours is a cornerstone of cultural norms. Demanding immediate obedience to those behaviours from someone because they think you forgot yourself after travelling to another country is plain rude.

I have more stories, but I believe that's enough right?
We'll be here for your future stories. They are very educational and give insight to how everyday society works in Japan.

I was trying to be against it, trying to tell them they were not right,
but you see? They were drunk people, so I though there was no point.
Pretty much. The next morning, most of the time the only reminder of what they did last night is a hangover.

That's why now I keep my glass full with whatever I can drink (lemonade,iced tea or whatever) when I feel I am in "DANGER"!
But of course I don't do such silly thing when I am with good friends.
And surrounding yourself with friends who are considerate, thoughtful, and protective is a very smart thing to do.

wow it became a long story.
I hope I didn't make you yawn!
Not at all. It was enjoyable.

I basically use my computer for work and also for just reguler emails to keep in touch with my friends, but since I found this forum I enjoy talking with you guys I am "getting addicted " (is the right explanation for this?)
Checking this forum is becoming something you do on a regular basis, which in itself is not a bad thing. If you are doing so instead of other things that need to be done or you feel anxiety when you aren't checking these forums more often, that is what I would call "addicted".

Oh I have to run to bed! have to get up early in the morning!

Have a good day!
Sleep well, and thank you!

Fortunately, there is one woman in this world who can control me.

Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

"Ride for ruin, and the world ended!"
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