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Excessum 02-15-2007 01:12 AM

This nightmare again... Seeing that bitch killing my younger sister over and over again... Why didn't she kill me instead... why her??? ....

I'm sick of all these fairy tales...
Here comes some action...

Name: Chris
Age: 23
Height: 198cm
Appearance: A long scar over the face going from middle of forehead to the left cheek, over one of his red eyes which is now malformed, but still sees clear. Dark black hair covers half of his face but it does not go as low to cover his neck. He wears black jeans, black military boots, black shirt which is never closed so You can see his scar-covered body under it along with holster with his silver old-school Mark XIX Desert eagle.
Weapons: Mark XIX .440 Cor-bon Desert Eagle handgun, 18cm long Wakizashi attached to his right leg under the pants. And telescopic battle staff, worn at the belt: 20cm long at the saya state and over 180cm long in battle-ready state.
Occupation: Wanderer
Background: 3 years ago his younger sister was killed by mysterious assasin, that is when he decided to avenge her no matter what. During his travels he fought a lot of foes and after a hard fight was fully paralized for couple of months, luckily somebody took care of him, somebody who's help he is going to need in the future once more. Now, 2 years later, fully recovered he continues his travels and already knows who is responsible for taking away the only precios thing he had in this god-forsaken world...

Myzura... I'm close...

... at last after drinking glass of cold water i calmed down, the plane was supposed to land soon. I slowly looked over my left shoulder at the seat where my antagonist was supposed to sit, but somehow I did not feel surprised when she was not there, it is not the first time Myzura slipped through my fingers... no worries, no one can run away from his shadow, and I am Your shadow Myzura, the shadow which will overcome You once...
It did not take me long to find her footprints once again, after leaving Cairo's airport I stopped one of the local milita guys who was running somewhere... It took me a while to calm him down...
"D-d-devil... she's a devil" he finaly mumbled
I understood what he was talking about, there was only one thing in I knew that could fill with terror the eyes even of the strongest fighters...
"Where? Where is she?" i yelled and shook him ripaidly...
Only then I noticed that his legs were covered with blood and something is stabbed in his lower abdomen, but before he answered, the ground shook and enormous explosion took place some eight blocks southern from the airport. When I looked at the militia guy he was not breathing anymore... I closed his eyes and gently put him on the ground...
"None of the lives you took will go unavenged, none!"...

I was breathing hardly when i finally arrived to the explosion site, running in this heat was not easy for a guy who is used to live in sub-zero conditions. The sight was overwhelming: 1m deep crater in the middle of square car wrecks thrown away for 10-20 meters some of them were even hurled in-to local 5 floor buildings... broken glass, body parts and blood everywhere...
There was nobody near to ask what happened here and where went the causer of this.
"Again... she slipped away again" I thought by myself.
Then- a scream, somebody was shouting for help, I ran to the direction of the source.
There she was... walking away and a man lying in puddle of blood behind her, I recognized him, he was one of Tzars mercenaries, i could not say that I felt pitty for that a**hole, they all deserve death along with Tzar himself.
I decided to follow Myzura stealthy and pick the best moment for an attack. I followed her for couple of blocks through the dusty narrow streets of the old Cairo... at last she sat down on a bench near a almost dry fountain and an old tree, took off her ripped, covered in blood tank-top, dropped her mutli blade-scabbard and went to the fountain...

*** hey i am a guy, let me have some fun ***

The fact that she was only in her bra could not stop me to silently sneak up from behind and point my handgun at her naked back...
"Hey..." she yelled out: "Don't you see i'm changing my clothes?"
And before i could come up with some answer, i found myself watching at 2 gun barrels poinetd at my face. So we were standing there in the middle of dead city with weapons targeting at each other.
"I remember You," she finaly broke the silence: "You were that weakling I met when I was hunting for Adriana (my sister). Yes, yes, I remember that scar and those red eyes. Now, why have You been following me for the last 2 months, hmm? I know that I am attractive, but this is rediculous" she said with sarcastic and arrogant smile on her face.
I could barely hold myself together, I could not understand why she has not yet pulled the trigger and resolved this situation, neither why haven't I done the same, but the situation worked out quite fast, as she knocked out my gun after something felt down from roof of a near by building and i lost my concentration and kicked me in the stomach. I rolled back to a near-by
"Ha ha... I should have finished You off the first time i met You" she laughed.
Damn... i was stunned, i completely forgot about Adriana or my ultimate goal to avenge her death... for a second. I could hear the knock of a handgun trigger as I quickly dodged behind the park bench.
"Where are you running boy?" she asked loudly and started to shoot at the park bench i was hiding behind.
Finally she ran out of ammo and I used the moment to attack with my battle staff, but in a blink of an eye I found myself lying in the fountain. She stepped on the border of the fountain and i didn't think long before i cleansweeped her legs, took out my wakizashi and put it at her neck as i grabbed her from the back when she felt in the fountain. Punch in the stomach and the wakizashi is in her hand. I rolled back and grabbed my staff which was lying nearby in the shallow and dirty water of the fountain and de-wakisashed her with a quick attack. She kicked water in my face and unsuccessfully tried a kick-punch combo which she ended at lying in the fountain with my foot on her neck...
"Why did you kill Adriana," I yelled at her while barely standing.
"She was my target, very valuable target. I don't ask questions, I just collect the money."
That was too much for me, i rised me foot, to deliver the final kick, but a quick kick with a knee, put me in my victims position...
"I prefer to be on the top, if you don't mind" she said and did a diving kick in my face, i almost passed out but suddenly she collapsed in the fountain near by and everything I could see was a blurry tall figure standing in front of me...
black out

*** phew... a long one ****

fuu 02-15-2007 01:13 AM

Ok here I come

name Charlene (charlie)
age 26
eyes green
hair red
5 foot 6
wears black baby t and red zipper hoody with black shorts and boots
big boobs
weapons blue staff and a castiron frying pan
travels with her black lab tinkles and her ford pickup
occupation bounty hunter

Her eyes were heavy. "What time is it". Tinkles wagged his tail in answer. She had been on the road for three days following a tip. A stack of wanted poster lay on the truck seat beside her. The poster on top was of the highest bounty right now. The picture of a young pretty girl with cold eyes stared back at her. "Myzura where the hell are you?" she said to no one. That was a bounty she wanted. "I could retire with that one, eh tinkles?" Rumor had it that Myzura had left the country. However Charlie got a tip from one of her sleazy contacts that another bounty was seen on a train heading this way. A small town appeared on the night time horizon. "Nice a place to stop eh tinkles?" Charlie asked. She parked out side the local pub. She walked in went straight to the bar and ordered a whiskey. She dropped the wanted poster of another young girl on the bar in front of the bar keep. "Her name is Suzette, Have you seen her?" Charlie asked nonchalantly. A young man sitting a couple of seats down from her spit out his cola and then tried to act like nothing had happened. Charlie walked over to the young man and leaned in close making sure her cleavage was very visible. "You know something don't you sweety?" She asked. "Uh oh.. a about what." The young man stammered. Charlie whispered in his ear "Lets you and I take a walk cutie, I don't want to cause a scene."

Outside of the pub the young man figitid and looked nervous. " You know this girl don't you?" Charlie asked while waving the wanted poster of Suzzette. "What makes you think that?" he said. Charlie opened the tail gate of her truck and sat on it patting the place next to her for the young man to sit down. "Please give me the honour of knowing your name cutie." she said with a sly grin. " It's a well umm Raian." he answered. "look, I'm not going to kill this girl. I just want the bounty money. You don't have to believe me but I can't stand killing." Charlie said. For some strange reason Raian bleived her. "I've lost them both." he said in a panic. I have to find Suzette and Myzura. That last name startled charlie "this boy knows both of them?" Charlie thought quickly what to do. She always had a soft spot for cute young men who looked at the world threw inoccent eyes. She didn't want to hurt him but she wanted Myzura. "Listen I like you kid and your not half bad to look at either so here is the deal. I'll help you find this Suzzette girl and I won't turn her in for the bounty but in return You'll owe me." she stated. Do we have a deal? "Yes yes thank you for helping me what about Myzur". Raian rattled on. "Hmm what about Myzura indeed." Charlie sighed. As Raian climbed into the truck tinkles growled. "Easy boy this young fella is going to help us out." Tinkles sniffed him and then returned to napping on the truck floor. As they drove off Charlie thought"I'm one step closer to you Myzura."

Excessum 02-15-2007 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by fuu (Post 44012)
Ok here I come."

Hey Musashi, Your fan club is growing... :pompoms:

Excessum 02-21-2007 05:19 PM

Hey, Musashi, Fuu, nice to have You guys back at this story... allright, who's going to continue with it? i already did my turn :D

fuu 02-21-2007 05:58 PM

I'm alittle lost here because I've been doing the story 2 . I know where we left off but are Suzette and Yamato in this one too? I'm thinking I should change my character a little so she's not like the one in the other story. What do you think? Someone go first and I'll jump on in.

Excessum 02-21-2007 08:51 PM

Well, long story short: I liked the Myzura character and the diverege from the original story line she took, so i thought of expanding this story. Myzura (Musashi) is the protogonist here. She's on her way to kill Tzar of Russia while Chris (me) want's to revenge his sister that was killed by Myzura couple of Years ago. And new-baked (at the time You, fuu, created them) Charlie and her friend Raian fits in this picture perfectly. Well, basically Myzura and Chris just had a fight in a fountain in Cairo, and both are uncouncess after someone (i thought of one of Your chars here, fuu) knocked Chris out... now something has to happen... well, c'mon... :D


Originally Posted by fuu (Post 50900)
I'm alittle lost here because I've been doing the story 2 . I know where we left off but are Suzette and Yamato in this one too? I'm thinking I should change my character a little so she's not like the one in the other story. What do you think? Someone go first and I'll jump on in.

Nope, as I said this is a spawn out of the original story so they are not here (at least now, but if someone of You guys are reading this, i am not the one who is going to say "NO" if you want to join in). And as none of new character names were mentioned in this part of story, feel free to edit the old ones or create some new, it's your choice :vsign:

PS. maybe we should create a new thread and move this story there?

matttholen 02-22-2007 02:55 AM

dude, are you guys just ditching the 2nd story????????:( :( :(

fuu 02-22-2007 02:02 PM

No not ditching the second story.Matttholen I hope it\'s ok if I use your character Raian. I\'m gonna change him a little so as not to copy you. Let me know if there is a problem with that and I\'ll correct it.

Character upgrade:
Charlie is now going to be Akari...
Age 22
height 5foot 2
weapon: still a staff
occupation: still a bounty hunter
Traveling companion Raian: 12 year old boy who doesn\'t talk.
We left off wiht Chris and Myzura in Cairo. Chris is unconsious. We\'re both after Myzura but I\'m in it for the bounty.

"Hey Raian quite poking at him." Akari said annoyingly. The boy looked up and continued to poke the unconsiious man. The man\'s eyes slowly opened and he jumped to his feet looking wildly from right to left. "Where is she!" He yelled. The boy had jumped back and now stared calmly at the man. The man walked over to him and took him roughly by the shoulders and said while shaking him"Where did she go, the girl the one with the guns, the one I was fighting?" The boy looked blankly at the man."He doesn\'t talk, your not gonna get anything out him." Akari said bluntly. The man let the boy go. "Was it you who hit me from behind?" he asked. "Nope, it was him."Akari stated pointing at the boy. The man looked back at her in disbelief. "He didn\'t want you to kill her." "He got here before I did damn he\'s fast and well She\'s my bounty so he stopped you." "Your bounty?" the man asked puzzled. "Hmm, I\'ve been tracking her for about a year. I get her , I can retire." "A bounty hunter, hmph you have to be very strong or very stupid to go after Myzura." The man stated. Akari simply looked at him. Who the hell does he think he is she thought.

Raian approached the man with his hand out. The man looked apprehensive but stood his ground. The boy handed him a band-aid. Akari laughed." For your head, it\'s still bleeding you know." The man touched his head and looked at the blood on his fingers. "So tell me big guy, are you after the bounty as well." Akari asked. He stared at Akari for a long while then simply said,"No." "Well my name is Akari and this young lad here is Raian, I\'m meaning you no offence but Myzura is mine." The man laughed"Yours, are you in love with her?" Akari laughed as well and said." I don\'t swing for that team but I do have alot invested in her right now." " Anyway your alright so I\'ll be leaving, come Raian." "Wait." the man yelled. He stood there staring but said nothing. " Alright." Akari mused. " Tell me tough man are you in love with her?"...............................

ren2OOO 03-05-2007 03:24 PM

Power:chi Which Is Phiscal
Weapon:sword And A Mini Sword A Big Ass Shuriken On Back 5 Gernades Poison Smoke Bomb 5 Daggers
Apperence:sexy As Hell Long Black Hair Blue Eyes Big Breasted Martial Art Uniform
Occupation:weapon Design
Form:werewolf Deman Fox Deman Wolf
Further Details:some What A Mutant She Got Mutant With A Fox And A Wolf And It Completly Mutant Her

Coutesy Of Musashi!! That What\'sup

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