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timushi 01-25-2007 07:04 PM

ok im in but what is this about?? isn't there a stroy line somewhere? or do we make it up as we go along??

timushi :vsign:

SweetSuicide 01-25-2007 07:53 PM

Ok.. well my charater Stats are...

Name: Suzette
Age: 18
Height: 5 7
Weight: 125
Occupation: Warrior
Weapon (if any): Machete
Further Details: She is a loner. She doesn't really open up to many people and if she does, it's very rare. She has a dark past and has been through some really hard times in her life. She's just looking for someone who can come and help her off the ground.... *sigh*
Apperance: Beautiful. Long, flowing brown hair that draps down to her lower back. Peircing blue eyes, cold and dead to the world. Black jeans and black tank tops is what you'll alays find her in.
City: Forked River, NJ, USA, year 2090. Half the world was killed in a nuclear war and the other half of the world is all advanced in techonolgy. Think of the Matrix "Real World" to get the idea of what I'm getting at.

The day were getting closer to the end. I walked along the broken road that I used to walk to get to my home that was destroyed in the war. I was the only surivior of the war. I slowly walked up to where my house used to stand. The whole house was gone. Nothing remained of it. I walked into the place that I used to call my bedroom and found one thing still in tact. A picture of a family. A family that was happy. A family that was alive and breathing. A family I no longer had...

matttholen 01-25-2007 08:05 PM

thats really good

SweetSuicide 01-25-2007 08:30 PM

you idiot!! you're suppost to out up somthing!!!

musashi 01-25-2007 11:18 PM

ok.....i'll try to help and get this started...
My character stats....
Weapon (if any):3 hand guns, 5 knives/daggers, 2 granaids, and plenty of poisonous liguids and gases...
Further Details:Myzura has an attitude that could kill you, that is, if her weapons don't first. She always has all her weapons on her, though they are always cooncealed. You never know they are there unless you know her very well. She is a loner and doesn't insist on looking over anyone but herself. Always gets what she wants, even if she has to fight for it. Though she is an assasin for the world, she really doesn't care about people. If you piss her off, god have mercy on your soul...
Apperance:Very sexy! Dark brown hair that reaches pass her butt, however, it is always in a pony-tail. She tends to where tight black jeans with black boots and a black tank-top. Could totally pull off the "killer-model" look. Boys are attracted to her, and for fun, she leads them on to only break their hearts.
City:She is originally from Forked River, NJ, but left there before the nuclear war destroyed it. Nobody she knows has seen her since.

The soft air blew pass me as I walked threw some little town. I was trying to return home, but from the looks of it, home was not going to look the same as it did 11 years ago. I haven't seen one person since I arrived in New Jersey. It's about time someone blew this place up. I continued to walk down the lonely street of what used to be Lacey road out in Bamber. Not a single tree stood.

musashi 01-26-2007 07:23 PM


ok, I'm going to give a basic story line to you guys...k?.....Pretty much, the setting is the world in 2090. you can live anywhere in the world but remember, in the year 2079, all the countries with nuclear bombs went to war and destroyed over half the world. Everything outside major cities are dying. some creatures that survived mutated with others, creating new ones so yeah.....inside larger cities, everything is very high-tech and futuristic. there is only one disease that they haven't been able to fix, and that's a new one caused by nuclear chemicals. No one is blind, deaf, fat, dumb (as in can't talk), or any other physical or mental diseases, unless you live outside cities and/or are very poor. credit cards, lisenses, registrations, proof of identies, criminal records, and other things like that were all turned into little micro-chips and placed inside people's fingers, so therefore it is near impossible to steal these things....so, yeah, that can be a character goal if you guys wasnt it to be, i don't know. But yeah. As for wars, people still hate each other, but they're afraid to use nuclear weapons. However, they still have other high-tech weapons, so as long as you give a really good description of what the weapon is, you can have it......oh, and, NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS! ok, that's pretty much it....i guess we will develope a plot as we go....

popeyethehomeswinger 01-26-2007 07:43 PM

LOl old school story telling RPG :D
quite entertaining ^^

timushi 01-26-2007 08:02 PM

heres my character stats...

NAME: Raian
AGE: 17
HEIGHT: 5' 7"
OCCUPATION: Photographer
FURTHER DETAILS: somewhat a mutant from the nuclear chemicals; looks like a normal human, but aquired lazor vision through chemicals...open, brutally honest, bold, partially immature, optimistic/ funny guy, doesn't care what people think
APPEARANCE: cute...long brown hair (maybe dread locks *havent decided but currently in corn rows lol*), hazel eyes, both men and women alike attracted to him *totally NOT gay...only when situatuion calls for it. lol not in real life*.
CITY: Forked River, N.J.. touring fall out shelters and happy to be in one when bomb dropped...

*character stats courtasy of musashi*


timushi :vsign:

timushi 01-26-2007 08:53 PM

ok so i dont know why i didnt write this in the other post but whatever :D

as i stood as the foot of Bamber Lakes, watching the grey clouds roll across the red sky, i sat and tryed to remember what life was like before the blast. i had always lived in and around Forked River and Bamber Lakes, but this is my first trip back since the blast. i was six when it took place.

as the dismal water rolled over the sand i left what was left of the lake and went on my way trying to find town. just as i reached the road i set my eyes on this beautiful creature. so i took my camera out and brought my eye to the eyepiece, but when i looked through it was gone. slowly i took the camera away from my face and then there was a dagger at my throut
"who are you?" she said
"none of you'r damn business!" i said, my voice quivering, *i never could trust a woman with a knife*
"i said who are you?" she pressed the dagger harder against my throut
"ok i'll tell you...im an observer of natural beauty" i wasnt entirely lying

timushi :vsign:

musashi 01-26-2007 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by timushi (Post 29883)
ok so i dont know why i didnt write this in the other post but whatever :D

as i stood as the foot of Bamber Lakes, watching the grey clouds roll across the red sky, i sat and tryed to remember what life was like before the blast. i had always lived in and around Forked River and Bamber Lakes, but this is my first trip back since the blast. i was six when it took place.

as the dismal water rolled over the sand i left what was left of the lake and went on my way trying to find town. just as i reached the road i set my eyes on this beautiful creature. so i took my camera out and brought my eye to the eyepiece, but when i looked through it was gone. slowly i took the camera away from my face and then there was a dagger at my throut
"who are you?" she said
"none of you'r damn business!" i said, my voice quivering, *i never could trust a woman with a knife*
"i said who are you?" she pressed the dagger harder against my throut
"ok i'll tell you...im an observer of natural beauty" i wasnt entirely lying

timushi :vsign:

***How'd you know I'd be pissy like that? Good job timushi, I like it!***

I jerked my knife closer to his throat. Who was this guy? He seemed kind of familar in a way. I stared at him evily.

"Can you lighten up a bit?" he said. Was I any kind of threat to him at all? "Jeez, all I did was try and capture your magnificant beauty...Is that so bad?"

"Yes." I said sharp and coldly. I looked into his eyes. They held a sort of hope that I hadn't seen in someone's eyes in a very long time. In fact, it was eleven years since I saw that kind of hope. It was before I left home, in the eyes of one of my closest friends. "Do I KNOW you?" I said with a horrible attitude.

"Jee I hope so, and if you don't, I'd just LOVE to know you..." he said, a hint of humor in his voice. I drew back my dagger and backed several steps away. I knew him, I knew him very well.

"Raian...? The little six year old flirt from my childhood..." Yeah, I knew him. Smirking, I waited for him to realize who I was. After a moment, the confusion on his face disappeared and was replaced with a look of surprise and shock.

"MYZURA?" he said, in an Oh-my-god-you're-still-alive tone of voice.

"Yup...who else would hold a knife to your throat and then leave you living?" I said, sarcastically. In these days, not very many people who put knives to people's throats left them living; at least, not the people I associated with...but then again, the people I usually associated with are all dead, so maybe I wouldn't know. I helped my long-lost friend to his feet and put my knife away.

"So, Myzura, how are you? Where have you been? And what brings you back to the place I know you hate so much?" he asked, brushing himself off.

"Well, in order, I'm fine, couldn't be better; none of your god damn business, but if you have to know, I've been in Japan, China, Eygpt, France, and other various countries across this horrible excuse for a world; and because I am here of my own free will. I was coming back in hopes to find some clues on my next target, but apparently that is something I cannot do, as is Lacey isn't here anymore..." I answered as I looked around at the vast nothingness that was once called my home. We started walking along Lacey road again toward town; seeing nothing but dead trees and a cracked open road.

***What do you think of that?***

musashi 01-29-2007 11:40 PM

Soon, we reached the town. The town that once stood tall and proud now lie on the ground in defeated peices. To my surprise, I found it almost hard to look at. Raian and I continued to walk down Lacey road until we came to one of our side streets. Walking for a couple more minutes, we reached my house first, or what was left of my old house. Though before, I had told Raian that I came here to look for my next target, and I wasn't entirely lying, I was kind of hoping to see my parents one last time. But after seeing my house, I knew somehow, that that was not going to happen.

Thinking back eleven years ago, I remember saying goodbye to my parents in the middle of the night, just before I left. I remember telling them that I loved them and that running away was the one thing that could help me with all my problems. I realize now that maybe I didn't say enough to them, maybe I should've kissed and hugged them before I left. Maybe I should've told them how much they meant to me...but I didn't. I don't regret running away at all, however, I do regret not saying enough. Why did i have to be so closed up like I am now? Why couldn't I trust anyone? Why am I still the same now as I was then?

Raian took off to his house down the street while I slowly walked toward my childhood home. As I appraoched it, millions of memeries flowed into my head. I remembered how Raian and I spent hours chasing each other in my front yard and how we ate ice cream during the summer. I laughed as I remembered how we made each other get different flavors so we could share. I felt like crying, but instead held my emotions inside. I'm much stronger than that...

SweetSuicide 01-30-2007 09:44 PM

I kept walking along the road I used to live on whenI came upon two people talking. I knew them from somewhere else but I couldn't remeber where.... They were walking closer and closer to me... what should I do?? I put my head down and kept walking away, I didn't want anything to do with these people, but, like always one of them stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hey girl!" The boy called to me as I started to walk farther and farther away from him. "Hey. Don't go. Come back!" He started to chase after me.

"Raian, stop chasing her! Can't you tell she doesn't want to talk to you!!" Raian? That was his name. I know that name, but how. But I just kept running trying to get away from them as fast as I could but I tripped over a dead stump that I didn't see and fell face first into the ashes that laided all over the Earth.

"I told you not to run," Raian joked around about as he walked up next to me and offered a hand to help me up. I accepted it but after gettin up, quickly pulled away to avoid any other contact with him but it was useless. "What's you're name? You seem familiar."

"Why do you care so much about who I am? And everyone says I seem familiar to them but I'm just a no one." I just put my head down trying to avoid his eyes.

"Ok well, my name's Raian and this girl here, is Myzura. We both used to live here but go out before the explosion happened. So what's you're story?"

I gave in, I figured maybe I knew him.. I think I did.. and Myzura.. that name sounded so familiar to me too. "My name's Suezette. I lived here before the explsion happened too. I knew someone named Raian and Myzura when I lived here, they used to be my best friends. We had this joke that whenever we saw eachother..."

"we'd give the peace sign and a kiss." Myzrua finished my sentence. Could htis really be happening?

timushi 01-31-2007 09:13 PM

"well well well. what is this?!" i said in my creepy nightmare before christmas voice, "another companion from days long past?!"

suezette tried to hold the tears back from behind her eyes. the girl that didnt want anything to do with us was now, hugging us and depriving us of oxygen

"uh..*cough*..you're..*cough*...choking me!" i said while turning purple, she was squeezing us so tight that myzura couldn't even break free from her grasp.

"oww!oww!OWW! let go!" myzura yelled "you're hurting meEe! i dont think i remember you this strong!

im really sorry i dont have much of a mind today to write soooo maybe tomorrow! :D

timushi :vsign:

musashi 01-31-2007 10:08 PM

***I'm a little snobbier, but other than that...AMAZING!***

I eventually managed to push another one of my long lost friends away from me. Though they were my friends, I still couldn't trust them entirely. I can't trust anyone entirely anymore, after all I've been through. All the death I've seen, all the blood I've shed, all the people I've killed and seen killed...It's too hard for me. If anything, as soon as I can, I will have to leave them behind. I can not afford to have them tag along with me, nor do I want to have to kill them or watch them die. What ever I do, they can't get mixed up with me, they just can't. I remembered all the encounters I had with men holding papers. Just resently, Czar Ivan IV had put a out a bounty of $500,000 for my head. But they won't get it, the Czar won't get it. If anything, I will remove his before anyone can remove mine...

***all i can put now...sorry***

yesthisismyday 01-31-2007 11:11 PM

very cool guys ( sorry, plz continue)

musashi 02-01-2007 07:54 PM

***oh, i'm glad you like it...but some people need to put more in...*gestures toward SweetSuicide and timushi****

SweetSuicide 02-01-2007 08:32 PM

**I was gettin to it!**

We walked along the road for a while in complete slience for we didn't know what to say. It had been years since any of us had seen each other. We were all grown up now, no longer kids. I didn't trust them like I used to and I knew they didn't trust me the same. I could see it in their eyes and in the expressionless faces they had on. The Czar was after anyone who escaped without serving in the war. I know Myzura was wanted and I've been wanted for about 4 months now but they couldn't find me. Raian was always the good one of us and I knew that he wasn't in danger. I hoped...

It was getting late and the sun was setting behind the still standing trees into the far off horizion. I was getting tried and Raian was starting to slow down and couldn't keep up with me and Myzura as much. I had an idea but I figured no one who go for it since we didn't trust each other anymore but I decided to try it anyways...

"It's getting late. I'm going to the lake so sleep. Anyone want to join me?" I asked trying to avoid their eyes and expecting not to get a response.

"I will. the sound of water calms me now." Raian said as he caught up to me and was yawning. I didn't expect such as fast of an answer from Myzura, but after a few more minutes...

"I will too. Sleep would be good." She said in her tone of voice that was like 'You try anything crazy, you're dead'. So we all walked to the lake that was about 5 minutes away from where we were. When we got there, the lake was completely untouched. Nothing has changed since the last time were were there. The water was shimmering in the setting light and the sand was just as soft as ever.

We all layed down, but I stayed awake almost all night wondering if they were spies of Czar or escapes just like me. I was about to close my eyes when I heard foot steps get closer and closer to me... What was going on??

**Haha timushi, you better make this good or else... duh duh duh**

musashi 02-01-2007 08:59 PM

***how about me next***

I was sure to "sleep" away from everyone else, but found it quite hard. I didn't need sleep, I needed to get away from these 2. If I didn't they could, be in danger. Plus, I didn't know when random men would just pop up out of no where. I decided now was the time to go.

While the moon smiled down from straight above us, I got up and walked away from my 2 old friends. I wasn't going to say good bye and I wasn't going to kill them, like I usually do when I've spent more than 3 minutes with someone. Instead, I just walked away like I did 11 years before. No offense to them, but these friends were not worth my time. I had other things to worry about, like settling my debt with Czar Ivan IV. I wanted the money he owed me, and he wanted my head. So, I figured since he wasn't going to give it to me, I'd have to retrieve it myself.

As I approached Lacey road, I found myself worrying about whether or not those 2 had known that I was wanted. If they did, would they have turned me in? Not like I would let them. They'd be dead before they brought me anywhere near a camp. But I was close to being safe, here in the U.S. Not completely though. I thought about continuing my work as a world assassin in another country, far away from here, and closer to Russia. Mongolia sounded nice. So, that's where I was headed. I ran far from the lake and didn't stop until it was sun rise.

By the time the sun rose, I was somewhere in Trenton. Trenton was still here, but no longer the city it was. Instead, it was my one way ticket out. By the time lunch came around, I would be landing in Eygpt. I had to be careful there also. I noticed that, after I do my work for someone, they tend to put a bounty on my head so they don't hve to pay their debt to me, one of the many reasons why I had a bounty on me from the Czar. Maybe I should just stop working for people and learn to work for myself.

I boarded the plane that would take me to where I need to go, away from my old friends, away from all my problems, just like I did 11 years ago...

***I plan on writing more, but not now...I gotta do science fair abstract...*curses at science fair*...***

SweetSuicide 02-01-2007 10:59 PM

Raian and I woke up the next morning to see that Myzura was gone. Like completely vanished off the face of the earth, again. We called her name over and over again and then I realized that something bad could happen to her or even us if someone, anyone heard us.

"We have to get out of here NOW!" I told Raian. He probably had no clue how much danger we had just put ourselves in.

"I'm not leaving until we find Myzura. I lost her once and I don't want to lose her again. I love her and even if she doesn't love me back, I am willing to fight, even DIE for her." Raian was serious. He told me he loved her 11 years ago. That boy couldn't be more in love with anyone else.

"Raian, listen to me. We need to get out of here before anyone finds us. I'm.... ummm.... kinda not suppost to be alive right now. If anyone finds out that I still walk this Earth, I'm dead." I didn't feel like explaing why to Raian but I knew he'd ask later on, so I was going to wait until he asked me about it.

We started walking to Waretown. It was only a town away but it had a train that still ran every other day. Today was one of the days it was coming through. We ran to the station and hopped onto the train right as it was about to leave. We had no idea where it was going and we had no idea where Myzura was. Was she dead? Was she captured? I kept thinking of how she dissapeared 11 years ago. She just walked out and left. Left everything and everyone she loved. But, I did the same too... Why was she doing it again?

**Hope ya don't mind but I had to write more... I'm gettin way to into this now lol**

timushi 02-02-2007 09:37 PM

ok then it looks like im in love with musashi

'why would she do this again?' i thought, 'i mean does she have any idea how much it hurt the first time? or does she just not care about my feelings? well i guess if she never knew how i felt, then she really doesnt know how bad i was after she left'

"what the hell?" suezette asked, if she didt change that much in 11 years then i think i know what this meant

"you dont have any idea where you're going" i said without thibking

"yeah, how'd you know?" she asked

"i remember more about our childhood then i remember about what happened yesterday" i said, "mother fu.."

"HEY! watch the language" suezette said angrily

"oops sorry, it just annoys me that myzura would do something like this again, it just breaks my heart to think that shes running away from me...i dont know what to think anymore. when she dissapeared 11 years ago, i thought there was no hope of findig her, that i'd never see her again, but when i saw her out in Bamber my hope came back again after i found out who she was.." raian was inturrupted by suezette

"i know how you feel but we have to move along with our lives..i mean i have...why do you think i tried to get away from you guys yesterday? i didnt want to have to deal with demons in my past coming back to haunt me"

"you think of me as your demon? what happened that i would be your demon?" raian asked as they walked up to the train station

"ill tell you when we get setteled in on the train"


i hope thats ok i tried my best while doing science fair

musashi 02-03-2007 12:59 AM

***ok, my turn...I think I'll show you all what a real bitch Myzura is...remember, no mercy on my side...lol***

As the plane came closer to Eygpt, i peared out the window. There was no way I would expect to get off this plane without a fight. I already noticed several people on the plane staring awkwardly at me. Oh boy, i thought, no more, i'm tired. I got up and decided to "use the bathroom" and walked toward the back of the plane, making an unsuspecting turn to the emergency exit. I unlatched the door, grabbed one parachute and put it on then quickly grabbed the rest and through them out so no one would follow me. I jumped.

Landing on the ground safely, I found myself somewhere not far from Cairo, the capital of Eygpt. However, I was still alone in the desert.

After walking a while, I found myself gettin this feeling of being followed, and just as I was about to turn around, I felt a gun pressed to the back of my head. Shit, I thought. I let out a breath and swung my foot around, knocking his gun out of his hand and whipping out mine in a matter of a seconds. I pointed it at him as he lay on the sand.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly. I could see the fear in his eyes. But, just as he was about to answer, I changed my mind. "Never mind...I don't care..." and shot him three times in the head, turned and left.

***thats all i have time for, be back later...***

SweetSuicide 02-04-2007 07:35 PM

** My turn!!**

We walked onto the train in scilence. How was I going to explain to Raian what I ment by him and Myzura being my demons? They never did anything to hurt me. I just couldn't face my past. 11 years of runing and fighting can do a lot to a person. I trie to avoid Raian's question but he asked me the second the train started moving.

"So, what do you mean I'm a demon? I'm very interested to hear this answer." His eyes said it all. He was hurting, more from Myzura's disapperance again than my comment, but I could still feel the pain in his eyes.

"Raian, I didn't mean it like that. I ment, I didn;t want to have to do what Myzura did, leave the people that love her again and cause them more pain. I hate to see people in pain over something I did or just over me in general. When I saw you and Myzura walking towards me, I just felt like my past was coming back to haunt me and I didn't feel like repeating it again." I was almost in tears saying this. Why was I almost crying? I've never cried in 18 years! Raian saw that I was almost in tears and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry Suezette. I didn't mean to get you upset. I know what you mean." he tried to confort me but he wasn't helping. He saw that and backed away from me. I started to look out the window and I fell asleep.

I woke up in a dark room. It had no lights or anything. No windows and, what looked like to me, no door. I started to panicing. Where was I? Where was Raian? What was going on?

"Suezette, calm down." A voice said. "You're safe, for now."

Where was I and what is going on??...

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 08:33 PM

Name: Jaustin
Age: 250
Height: 6'5
Weight: 150
Occupation: Vampire
Weapon (if any): AR-15 and a pair of .45 S&W Revolvers known as The Twin Dragons
Further Details: He was one that always walked alone. Never did he have any pitty for anyone. He only stood up for those who had something worth fighting for. Those were the ones he protected. He always dispensed of all evil beings that derived pleasure from the pain and fear of others. Anyone that took pleasure in the torture of other beings were slain. No one could ever match his power and strength. He was the strongest of his kind and even his creator had no chance with his powers. When his true form come out he was like the devil himself wrapped in a shroud.

Apperance: He had long black hair with a pale complection that looked as if he had been dead for days. And the fact was he has been dead for years. He has dark eyes that when staring into look like endless pits that pull you into him. The look when you make eye contact enough to make you lust after him if you were female. His hands soft and gentle to the touch with nails that were sharp enough to cut through anything. He had a dark black trench coat that always surrounded him like a shroud of rain, with a matching black shirt and pants. He was invisible when night fall came. He always had his twin dragons on his side loaded. And for those that two clips of blessed bullets did not kill he had a fully loaded AR-15 with blessed bullets.

City: Winder,Ga i live on the out skirts of the major city Atlanta. My house looking dead on the outside was alive on the inside. Lining the wall was collections of paintings, armor and swords. All of which came from different parts of the world. That darkened windows with blood red curtains blocking out all sun. I am not hurt by sun but i like the dark better just cause i don't get a headache from going from looking into the light to dark areas.

I walk out of my dwelling place as i take my twin dragons with me. My powers concealed as much as possible to not gain attention. Slowly wondering around looking for those who take pleasure in the pain and fear of others and ending their pathetic existence. *Cocks his guns with his teeth showing his fangs* Today is another day and i am off to see what cause is worth helping. *As he walks says out loud* In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen.

Guza 02-04-2007 08:42 PM

hmm....well this is kinda like the uh....fantasy land that the harjukupimp dude did, haha ill do this

Name: Guza
Age: 20
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180
Occupation: ronin/nomad
Weapon (if any): Zakabatou-a powerfull yet mysterious sword.
Further Details: meh a traveler of sorts, has no real home, quite the womanizer lol, loves free things, and is very skilled to the sword.
Apperance: well tall, lean and cut, dark brown hair and blue eyes,
City: Forked River, NJ, USA, year 2090. Half the world was killed in a nuclear war and the other half of the world is all advanced in techonolgy. Think of the Matrix "Real World" to get the idea of what I'm getting at.

ill leavethe city the same so were in the same type of boat lol

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 08:46 PM

I slowly sit up and show myself to you "hello suezette, welcome back." *smiles*
"It seems you fell asleep and ended up getting into some bad parts of lacey.
Luckily i took you off the train before you were found by some undead."

*slowly walks over to you and sits next you giving you a plate with a hamburger and fries* " You must be hungry why not eat something."

" i promise you i mean you no harm, I just couldn't leave someone so beautiful as you get hurt." *slowly runs his hands down your hair and smiles*

*pulls a blood packet out and starts drinking from it*

SweetSuicide 02-04-2007 09:15 PM

** haha this is gonna be fun!!**
"Who... Who are you? I mean.. what are you?" I've never seen someone like that before ever in my life.

"My name's Jaustin. During the war I got hit with something and I got turned in a vampire, a blood drinker. I promise I won't hurt you Suezette, you just have to trust me." His voice was soft and claming and warm. It felt like I knew that I could trust him but I never trusted anyone anymore.

"How do I know you're not one of the spies from King Raymond?" I felt so stupid to ask that but I just had to know. He probably was going to lie to me no matter what.

"King who? I'm not a spy. Trust me, I'm on you're side." he smiled. How did he know all these things about me when I never met him?? I was about to try to attack him but something stopped me. His eyes. They looked so empty, just like mine have for the past 11 years. I knew then that he was telling the truth. I looked at him as he finishsed the blood he was drinking from a poutch. He finished it and turned to me. His face was warm and comforting, minus the fangs, and I felt this werid feeling inside. It was something I felt when my parents were alive and I haven't felt since then. Was it love or something else?

**haha I'm in love and Timushi is too! haha poor Musashi hates everone lol**

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 09:28 PM

looks into Suezette's eyes as he slowly stands up. I am not going to hurt you but i'd like to take you to see something.

in a blink of a second they both were on the edge of a cliff with water hitting the bottom 200 feet below. i pull Suezette into my arms and hold her close to me as we watch the sunset behind the horizon. " i am sure you haven't seen this for a long time"

"There are things to me you will never see cause everyone else that has is either dying or already dead rotting away to nothing."

i looked into Suezette's eyes and something happened to me. I could actually feel myself falling in love with her. But how was this possible. I have been dead for so long and my heart had stopped. Somehow i am feeling a strong bond with her. I Bring us both back to the dark house that you woke up in and sits in a dark corner as you sit on the bed.

" how did you do that. ",Suezette says

" I have powers beyond your wildest dreams, powers that i could share with you, but you have to make that choice if you want them. Once you take it you can never turn back your heart and everything in you will die. But you will have a ever lasting life and a power you can not even begin to phathom."

i slowly sit back just look at your beautiful figure and look in awe of your beauty that has attracted me so. I am in love with her. i can't explain it but i am. And i think she has the same thing going on judging by her body language. Unless i am just being controlled by my feelings that all of sudden have start from first seeing her.

SweetSuicide 02-04-2007 10:09 PM

I started to get uneasy around him. I didn't know if he noticed it or not but I noticed he was getting antsy. I tried to find a way not to look at him but I couldn't help it. Something about him just pulled me back to look at him. He had a warm smile, and his eyes were just deep and dark but there was something beautiful in them. He knew I had things about me that no one could ever know or understand but he seemed not to care.

"Jaustin, can I ask you something? It's nothing bad or anything like that but... umm.... What is it when you can't stop thinking about someone and you just met?" I asked him looking away from him.

"It's love. And I feel the same way too." Jautsin walked over nad sat next to me and took my hand.

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 10:19 PM

I slowly touch your cheek and run my hand down it. i then turn your head towards me as i lean in slowly our lips meet. Then a shock out of no where comes when our lips meet. Slowly our lips meet agian and we begin to kiss passionately. first just open mouth kissing with my arm wrapped around your body and your hands around my neck, my other hand on your neck. Our passionate kissing then turns into our tongues wrestling with eachother in eachothers mouths. I break away the kiss and look into your eyes and see the love in them.

" Holy cow suezette"

"what whats wrong?",Suezette says

"Absolutely nothing just you are so amazing. my god"

I begin to kiss you agian leaving off where we were with out tongues down eachothers throats.

Guza 02-04-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by SoftSilentDeath (Post 38099)
I slowly touch your cheek and run my hand down it. i then turn your head towards me as i lean in slowly our lips meet. Then a shock out of no where comes when our lips meet. Slowly our lips meet agian and we begin to kiss passionately. first just open mouth kissing with my arm wrapped around your body and your hands around my neck, my other hand on your neck. Our passionate kissing then turns into our tongues wrestling with eachother in eachothers mouths. I break away the kiss and look into your eyes and see the love in them.

" Holy cow suezette"

"what whats wrong?",Suezette says

"Absolutely nothing just you are so amazing. my god"

I begin to kiss you agian leaving off where we were with out tongues down eachothers throats.

*knocks on the door and door opens accidently* hey uh ......O.O hahaha sorry for intruding but wheres the local inn at?

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 10:37 PM

looks at you with a grin "its down the road about 3 or so blocks, i wouldn't go to that one if i were you though, you prolly be better off going to one of the city inns. The inns on the outter skirts have some strong evil beings in them depending on the location."

holds suezette close to him as he kisses her agian softly on the lips "now if you don't mind me and suezette are alittle busy at the moment, if you wish to talk to her you can later."

Guza 02-04-2007 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by SoftSilentDeath (Post 38142)
looks at you with a grin "its down the road about 3 or so blocks, i wouldn't go to that one if i were you though, you prolly be better off going to one of the city inns. The inns on the outter skirts have some strong evil beings in them depending on the location."

holds suezette close to him as he kisses her agian softly on the lips "now if you don't mind me and suezette are alittle busy at the moment, if you wish to talk to her you can later."

O.O powerfull demons huh very well ill try to the city inns....but there so expensive haha, thanks anyways, *closes door and heads towards the city*

O.o my ronin senses are tingling *a gang of low life demons jumps from the roof tops and surrounds guza* ahhh man give me a break....

SoftSilentDeath 02-04-2007 11:29 PM

gets off of suezette and walks outside to see guza surrounded "Releasing Control Law Restriction to Level 3.......Level 2.....Situation A Release Level 1...Hold release until targets are silenced" attacks all the demons around guza and completely destroys them with their body parts scattered and blood all over the place.

SweetSuicide 02-04-2007 11:49 PM

***haha nice Guza!***
***Now to show how Suezette has no feelings***

I gave into Jaustin for a moment. I let him kiss me for a while. It felt nice for someone to finally want me. Love me even, but I knew it couldn't last for long. I couldn't love anyone anymore. I had to get Jaustin to back off some how, and there was only one way...

"Jaustin, I can't do this. I've hurt to many people to love again. I'm sorry but I have to do this..." I pulled out my machete and I stabed it through Jaustin's heart. I pulled it out and he looked at me one last time before turning into dust on the floor. I had to get out of here. I couldn't chance one more incounter like this.

I left Jaustin's house and started walking down the long road that seemed to go on for forever. As I walked I felt like shit for what I just did. But I couldn't let it bother me much more. I pulled the trench coat that I took form Jaustin's house and put it on. I kept walking until I came to a small town in the middle of the woods. I didn't go near it for who knows what was there. I just kept walking. I walked all night and all day the following day until I reached water. Water as far as my eyes could see. It was the ocean. A place from my childhood with laughs and smiles. I had to keep walking but I walked down to the water and looked down at my reflection. Who was that girl looking back at me? She has scars over her face and had blood stains on her cheek. She was no only a little girl but a woman. A warrior. I spit into the water and caused my reflection to disappare into a mess of ripples. I walked away with my head down no looking up into the afternoon sun. It hurt still yo look at it. When would this pain end and if it did, would I even live to survive it?

SoftSilentDeath 02-05-2007 12:13 AM

Laughs at the pathetic attempt to kill me. Wonders if she really saw me turn to ash or if she noticed i just kept looking at her like she really thought a pathetic folklore worked to kill a vampire like me. Releases maxium restriction as he surrounds suezette in a red cloud shroud and shows his true form. "Would you like to see how real vampires FIGHT." lunges at suezette and takes her up into the air and then flies full force towards the ground letting her go and she free falls smashing 20 feet into the ground creating a crater. Appears back on top of a building 2 miles away look down at the 20 foot deep crater that was 100 feet wide. "Don't try messing with the devil himself agian" Vanishes off into the distance.

Guza 02-05-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by SoftSilentDeath (Post 38198)
gets off of suezette and walks outside to see guza surrounded "Releasing Control Law Restriction to Level 3.......Level 2.....Situation A Release Level 1...Hold release until targets are silenced" attacks all the demons around guza and completely destroys them with their body parts scattered and blood all over the place.

o.O impressive
though i couldve taken them myself haha they were just low level demons....nothing i couldnt handle lol
thanks though, now which way to the inns again?

SoftSilentDeath 02-05-2007 12:30 AM

puts his hand on guza's shoulder........."the inn is right here." Points at the inn doors and grins as he wonders if he realize they just traveled 190 miles in a blink of an eye. Laughs an evil laugh and then disappears into the fog.

Guza 02-05-2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by SoftSilentDeath (Post 38295)
puts his hand on guza's shoulder........."the inn is right here." Points at the inn doors and grins as he wonders if he realize they just traveled 190 miles in a blink of an eye. Laughs an evil laugh and then disappears into the fog.

O.O holy crap......did i just traveled 190 miles to the entrance to the inn in a blink of an eye, naaaaaaa, i wondered whered he went, oh well
*goes inside of inn* hello do you have any rooms to spare ??

timushi 02-05-2007 02:17 AM

"ahh...hmm?" i grunted as i woke up, "huh? where am i?" i had forgotten i was on the train, my mind was racing: where was it heading, what am i going to do, and as i looked around, where's suezette? i stood up and headed for the compartment door, swung it open, and found the nearset worker. "excuse me sir, have you seen a girl about my age, my hight, dark hair around?"

"no kid i havent. sorry"

"dammit!" 'what the hell' i thought 'why is this happening again? why is everybody leaving me?'

ok im tired thats all i have for now!

Guza 02-05-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by timushi (Post 38447)
"ahh...hmm?" i grunted as i woke up, "huh? where am i?" i had forgotten i was on the train, my mind was racing: where was it heading, what am i going to do, and as i looked around, where's suezette? i stood up and headed for the compartment door, swung it open, and found the nearset worker. "excuse me sir, have you seen a girl about my age, my hight, dark hair around?"

"no kid i havent. sorry"

"dammit!" 'what the hell' i thought 'why is this happening again? why is everybody leaving me?'

ok im tired thats all i have for now!

oh hey you dont look lost here XP
say uh wheres the nearest resturaunt man im starvin ?.?

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