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superheel 09-10-2008 05:13 AM

School may always be the first choice, but he's right, school is not the best way to look for girls and if you already did everything we adviced, then we can't help.

Koyuki 09-10-2008 05:33 AM

first dont lower yourself that wont give you confidence, second give your brain lot of knowledge, simple thing, if you have knowlegde you will increase the topic of conversation and they will find you as an interesting guy. Third Be nice *no matter how cool you are* just be nice to everyone.
that's all from me, gl.

Salvanas 09-10-2008 11:45 AM

I was in your position until this last year, my friend.

The girls that I used to know in my school and so, are not worth it. They are not my type and so on, and thus I couldn't talk to with girls and I had a low confidence. However, here's some advice.

Look yourself in your mirror, closely. What can you see? Is there anything you could change? Change it. Change everything you want to say. Then next to that, wait until you've left school, or grown up enough to go to bars/pubs. THAT'S the place to start and talk to girls.

Act confident, always smile and when you're talking to one girl, give her your attention, however don't cling to her. Give her the feeling that you've taken an interest in her, but you could easily walk away and find another girl.

There are ofcourse many other ways to pick up girls, but that is my way. I walk up to them, lower their defenses with a light joke, then I smile and slowly charm my way into their heart/mind/pant/wherever.

Once you do it the first few times, it becomes second nature.

First step though: Change what you want to change my friend.

theAlphaDuck 09-10-2008 09:28 PM

Take it from the kind of guy that DOES get the girl

Originally Posted by animefan78 (Post 579942)
how do i become the guy that gets the girl??

There is only ONE thing you need to get girls...



I wish i could still do it but i can`t...but getting girls.... is not hard.


send me PM....

somehw PROVE you are a bloke.... just write something blokey

and i will give you all you need....

i will tell you everything you need.

2 conditions.

1. don`t question the method... (its action first and then explination)

2. You gotta actually DO what i say...otherwise were just wasting our time...

i will give you one step per day....
and within 2 weeks you will a bonefide Ladykiller (all be it a Padawan...but still using the force :P)

also understand one thing.....

I can show you a way.....
but all way`s or paths lead to the same summit.... a long term partner..

but each way is different...
i can show you the way that invoves "being the guy that gets the girl"

if that is the path you want to walk...i can guide you...
if you just want one girl....and don`t feel to have a little fun in your youth....
...then what i know would be wasted on you

but understand that you must want it....
and understand that in the future you need to be able to look back on your way with pride.

because when it becomes taking candy from a baby.....
and the candy is tasty your gonna end up eating ALOT of candy...
and some fuckers at some point are gonna judge you etc. just because your easily into tripple digits and keep getting girls....

mostly its just they wish they could.....

but it`s gonna be there....
don`t think that just because you become "that"
guy that you will be loved by all....
some guy`s are haters....

but i say....
fuck `em....and then fuck there sisters :P

i need some simple stats in your PM

i need your age, your location,
and a very brief statement about you....

this is an oppertunity....

i don`t normally do this...

but about 100% of the advice you got here is incomplete and inaccurate..

tho there are good points....nothing that will make you "that" guy...

the offers there

theAlphaDuck 09-10-2008 09:34 PM

also... understand....

once your taking candy....

when you want...

and it comes time to stop....

it can be a REAL bitch....

just so you know

koikurasu 09-10-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bureda (Post 579976)
Pretty much.

Yup, pretty much

Salvanas 09-10-2008 09:40 PM

Alpha, that sounds like one of those "Want to make millions of World of Warcraft gold?" advertisements :P

IaminLoveWithU 09-10-2008 10:35 PM

I think u may have a specific
grl in mind but if u do all u can
and try ur hardest
but u still don't get the grl u should
look else where and if u find some1 stay!
no matter if the chick changed and finds she
wants u .... grr i hate grls like that!
any way just try ur hardest and if i doesn't work
NOT WORTH a thing!:ywave:

allie2590 09-10-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by theAlphaDuck (Post 581448)
There is only ONE thing you need to get girls...



I wish i could still do it but i can`t...but getting girls.... is not hard.


send me PM....

somehw PROVE you are a bloke.... just write something blokey

and i will give you all you need....

i will tell you everything you need.

2 conditions.

1. don`t question the method... (its action first and then explination)

2. You gotta actually DO what i say...otherwise were just wasting our time...

i will give you one step per day....
and within 2 weeks you will a bonefide Ladykiller (all be it a Padawan...but still using the force :P)

also understand one thing.....

I can show you a way.....
but all way`s or paths lead to the same summit.... a long term partner..

but each way is different...
i can show you the way that invoves "being the guy that gets the girl"

if that is the path you want to walk...i can guide you...
if you just want one girl....and don`t feel to have a little fun in your youth....
...then what i know would be wasted on you

but understand that you must want it....
and understand that in the future you need to be able to look back on your way with pride.

because when it becomes taking candy from a baby.....
and the candy is tasty your gonna end up eating ALOT of candy...
and some fuckers at some point are gonna judge you etc. just because your easily into tripple digits and keep getting girls....

mostly its just they wish they could.....

but it`s gonna be there....
don`t think that just because you become "that"
guy that you will be loved by all....
some guy`s are haters....

but i say....
fuck `em....and then fuck there sisters :P

i need some simple stats in your PM

i need your age, your location,
and a very brief statement about you....

this is an oppertunity....

i don`t normally do this...

but about 100% of the advice you got here is incomplete and inaccurate..

tho there are good points....nothing that will make you "that" guy...

the offers there

Are you being serious?

theAlphaDuck 09-10-2008 11:01 PM



i got NO use for this knowledge any more :P

so thought i may as well share it....

just being nice....

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