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ThirdSight 09-10-2008 11:36 PM


Originally Posted by Bureda (Post 579945)
- Get healthy
- Get out some more
- Get a sense of humour
- Have confidence


Originally Posted by Uriko (Post 580150)
but how can you be sure that it does need to be fixed? D:

If people tell you you smell like ass, invest in some Axe (and that's bare minimum).

For the OP, if you're already worried about gettin' with the ladies, you obviously have a confidence problem. There's more to the phrase "Be Yourself" besides a Hallmark copyright. If you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing. If you're more in your league at parties, go to more parties. If you're more in your zone at conventions or what-have you, head to those places more. Being yourself isn't just "being true to your heart" (more Hallmark BS), it's working with what you already have. Don't be outgoing if you're not, don't be shy if you're not, and don't try flirting with girls in places you're just plainly not comfortable.

You got something to offer, whatever the hell it is. Find it, roll with it, and you'll see your confidence improve. Those are you results, not how many women you can manage to woo over.

Love, Peace, and All That Jazz.

P.S. Please, AlphaDuck, stop raping your "." key.

theAlphaDuck 09-11-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by ThirdSight (Post 581549)

P.S. Please, AlphaDuck, stop raping your "." key.

erm......how can i put this........ no

i enjoy raping the dot key more than i enjoy raping your mother....also when the dot key is involved i don't have to worry about std's like cat aids or goat syphilis.....capish

well i've had NO pm....

good luck....but you missed out there laddy-O

but you know what REALLY fucks me off....
is when haters get on the case...

they alway's asume....
oh youve shagged loads of girls...they must all be sluts...huh huh huh
just because the only girls they can get are dirty little hood rats.

or they asume...man you must just be trying SO hard....
NO...NO i don't.....and thats what kills it :P

or...you must be being fake...
...never alway's keep it real

I'm not a womaniser...I don't really necessarily seek it out....
i enjoy my life...or at least i did....and when it comes to hmmmm
take this sexy girl home and shag her senseless.....yea i'd enjoy that...so why not?

I'm not super david beckham good looking...(tho i am tall, symetrical and well toned :P )
...i'm NOT roman abromnivitch rich...
...and thats what gets peoples back up...

...they can't see that i have anything special....yet usually i get hit on by girls.....

as for where you meet girls...can be ANYWHERE...
ive gotten girls everywhere...
from the Job Centre to on a plane...and everywhere in between :P

there is a vibe....
as a zen master once said...

I understand it completely...but cannot put it into words

im not trying to say its big or clever...
or judge those who want to have only long term relationships...or are completely useless with women....

do what you want....

but the OP said he wanted to be "that" guy.....
.... i used to be "that" guy...till i was put out to pasture :P

and its fun....getting high fived by guy's you don't even know....
or having drinks bought for you by randoms because they are so amazed that youve just walked into a club/bar and pulled the fittest thing in there in a short space of time....

advice in the terms of advice..

1. Love yourself
2. don't fuck about...you know what you want....go get it

Maximum Passion + Minimum Emotion = Simple harmless fun

that applies more for when you've actually got your girl :P
cos if your a crap kisser don't think your taking her home there and then....
kiss her good....and she gonna go home with you and get the best sex of her life....


Wasabista 09-11-2008 11:58 AM

Be rich, irresistibly handsome, built like a god, a fascinating conversationalist, incredibly witty and intelligent, and above all, modest.

That's how I do it.

qloreisha 10-13-2008 01:27 PM


-Listen to her
-Have good hygeine
-Smile at her
-Work out

Suki 10-13-2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Wasabista (Post 581948)
Be rich, irresistibly handsome, built like a god, a fascinating conversationalist, incredibly witty and intelligent, and above all, modest.

That's how I do it.

I bet it works ;)

xYinniex 10-13-2008 02:47 PM

-dress well
-Be confident
-Flatter her
-Be a gentleman
-Be yourself
-Don't just sit there and not say anything.

ThirdSight 10-13-2008 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by xYinniex (Post 606836)
-dress well
-Be confident
-Flatter her
-Be a gentleman
-Be yourself
-Don't just sit there and not say anything.

^This as well.

Thinking more on it though, I realized that a lot of guys that have these sort of problems think way too much about getting with women to the point where they forget the point. While there's not a single woman out there that doesn't wish she wasn't swept off her feet at any given moment, there are plenty out there who will start making preconceived judgements about you if they can tell (and they will) that you're trying to get with them.

The hottest woman at a bar knows what she's got, and she's flaunting it so much that every guy in the place wants her; she knows all that, so any guy that makes an obvious attempt at it will, more than likely, get shot down (unless this guy is the first coming of God as far as looks are concerned). The solution to this is many; my own personal one is to not give a damn that she's the finest thing to grace the area I'm currently in. Girls are clinically insane enough to go crazy with curiosity as to why a guy isn't drooling over her when every one else is. Of course, the fine line you walk is that she may think your gay.

Show interest, but not too much, and don't overthink it.


JrockerHime 10-13-2008 04:24 PM

Umm...What kind of Girl are you looking for?:onismile:
also I think you need to be yourself that's the best thing you can do...

theAlphaDuck 10-13-2008 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by ThirdSight (Post 606867)
The hottest woman at a bar knows what she's got, and she's flaunting it so much that every guy in the place wants her; she knows all that, so any guy that makes an obvious attempt at it will, more than likely, get shot down


actually you would be suprised....

having gone out with some hypothetical-15/10 women...

the most amazing thing i found is that they actually find it REALLY hard to get blokes...

i first learnt this from what i can only describe as a walking, talking, barbie doll (with two degrees)....
going on dates with her overinflated my EGO SO much it hurt...
you wern't just out with the fittest girl in the bar...but EASILY the fittest woman within a 5 mile radius...and in London that is saying something...

but she found it REALLY hard to get guy's...

next time your in a pub/bar...and you see that UBER fit woman....keep a subtle eye on her...and see how many guy's actually go to chat her up.....probably none...until they get FAAAR to drunk that is...and then come across as idiots...

i tend to hang around with "the beautifull people"....and you would be suprised....pretty girls like REALLY stunning girls...get hit on less than there "girl next door" but dolled up nice counterparts

its a funny world

so next time you see one...dont wait for dutch courage...just go...say "hi"

and be yourself

happy hunting

edit: funny but true.....i'm not a "fashionable" guy...as long as i'm not scoring minus points...im happy with a flat 0 on style....and we went to all of these fancy bars and stuff....and being the worst dressed guy...with the fittest woman...is quite funny....the looks you get from these pre-maddona...perfume wearing, cashmire sweater toting, hoity-toity wannabee's...is very funny....

biginjapan 10-13-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bureda (Post 579945)
- Get healthy
- Get out some more
- Get a sense of humour
- Have confidence

"Get out some more" Thats fucking golden man, coming from a guy who spends all day in a relationship forum and has nearly 900 posts in a month.

Maybe you should take your own advice?

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